About the test site
Luleå University of Technology has in collaboration with Telia, Ericsson and TietoEVRY established test beds for 5G in Norrbotten and Västerbotten to give small and medium-sized companies opportunities to develop their products and services for 5G. Here they can test everything from drones and robots to agricultural machinery, as well as solutions for health. The test beds are available on the Luleå campus, at Särkkivaaragården in Övertorneå, at Kronandalen's nursing home in Luleå, at The Great Northern in Skellefteå and at Sjukstugan in Storuman.
The table below describes Luleå University of Technology's 5G test
On Luleå campus, there are base stations with coverage both outdoors and
indoors in three of the university's buildings. The indoor coverage in each
building is a separate cell. At The Great Northern there are two cells. In the
5G test environments on Luleå campus and The Great Northern, it is possible to
do hand-over tests.
All 5G test beds use frequencies on the 3.5 GHz band.
In Luleå, there is a joint Local break-out for the university's 5G test
environments. The system is updated with new software versions approximately
every three months and is at the forefront through the collaboration with
Telia, Ericsson and TietoEVRY.
The test beds are open to everyone
We offer companies the opportunity to test ideas, services and products in collaboration with researchers at Luleå University of Technology. The test beds are open to all industry players, both large and small, as well as to all operators, service providers, technology and product suppliers, universities, research institutes and public authorities. The test beds make it possible for different actors to collaborate with other stakeholders in the value chain and also reach end users.
We can help you with the practical testing, but also with getting in touch with stakeholders in need of solutions and gaining access to cutting-edge expertise via the university's research.
How to get access to our 5G test beds
Contact us to discuss your idea and describe the tests you want to perform. Then you can also get advice on test equipment. When your application to test in the 5G test environments is approved, you will have access to the SIM cards required to test in the environment and advice on test equipment and installation.
If you need guidance, you can talk to our test engineers or get help from our researchers. We can also guide you to other test partners if you want to collaborate in a specific area.
Access to the 5G test beds constitutes so-called negligible support and you need to sign a certificate before tests can begin.
Current test bed performance
Luleå University of Technology's 5G test beds are at the forefront of technology with access to functionality and software versions that are not yet available in the mobile operators' commercial networks. At present, the test beds have stable performance with downlink speeds of over 1 Gbps and uplink speeds of about 100 Mbps. The delay in the 5G environments is currently between 10 and 25 ms, depending on which of the test beds is used.